Tuesday, August 14, 2007

too much stuff!

is going on right now. i did not get to play as much as i had planned last week. moving out turned out to be like a 5 day process (and moving in another day). i believe i played less than 2 hrs for those 5 days. boo. however my gf came back which was absolutely amazing. it was really good to see her. as hard as it was to not be with her for 35 days i think that something like that will really strengthen our relationship.

anywho, i want to grind a lot to get supernova x 2 by the end of november. why am i not farther you ask? well i played a few thousand games on FT in the past and also basically didnt play more than 15 hrs a week all summer. also a gf really bogs down my playing time. so that is one of my goals for now. i also have a few shortstacking goals but sadly i wont be sharing those as it goes along with my thought process on how to beat games shortstacking.

and finally here is my last goal: http://curtainspoker.livejournal.com/118615.html

if i can ever have that attitude about poker i will be invincible. my hourly rate would skyrocket as i could play in the highest possible stakes to increase my hourly rate. obviously the swings would be sick and i would have lots of losing days but that wouldn't matter.

i know i am getting closer to that state each day but i want there all the way. playing mtts helps a lot. i always go in with the mindset of i wont cash big. honestly i think its terrible to go in excepting to score huge even though some might say im being pessimistic, but really its just realistic. if i was hoping to score huge everytime i would have runs of 100s where i wouldnt final table and that would just kill me. luckily when you go in just expecting to play well you can almost always be happy. well by you i mean me, because i am awesome at poker.

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