Monday, August 6, 2007

poker and life update

ive been playing the 45man sngs lately. they are quite the lesson in variance. i started out up about 60 buyins and then came crashing down 91 buyins. ugh. and i felt very confident in my play. i sharkscoped some of the other regs and it seems 60 buyin downswings are fairly common. cool. im giving them a shot for now until the variance kills me. i also want to try shortstacking full ring and six max. i feel id have a pretty big edge there. it would also be pretty fun because right now i hate cash games. they are sooo boring. this way i can play cash games and go all in alot, as well as get berated by the regs.

my gf has been in ecuador for 4 weeks now and i havent seen her in or talked to her 30 days :(
she is flying to new jersey on wednesday for a family thing and then coming home sat. so i can finally talk to her at least on the phone wednesday. so as fun as summer has been its said i havent seen her for 2/5 ths of it. also, fuck ecuador for having horrible phone reception

im gonna try and play a lot this week before she gets back. like over 50 hrs maybe?

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