Sunday, July 15, 2007

read my blog

so ive been drinking a few beers and watching crappy tv when i decided to read my old blog posts. now im not a great writer like my pal omgclayaiken but ive liked my posts lol. i think ive had some interesting thoughts about poker that ive written about.

i believe i forgot to add that today (now yesterday) was my biggest cash for $6277 but really $6102 after the buyin plus I shipped my roommate $99.97 because of that sick bluff he helped me run. i tried to run the equities and extra value of being 2nd in chips on the final table that that bluff gave me and i think thats a fair amount of equity i shipped him. its ironic that the EV amount plus the 3 cents he had in his account equals $100. crazy, hun. i should also note that thats the EV of the situation, in case thats not obvious, lets not be results oriented. currently he is donking it off in O8 haha. oops plus i was up $104 in 50nl today so RB im at like $6215 for the day. my previous record was $4025 in a live mtt way way way back in the day about 2 yrs 1 month ago. good. i beat it. the sad thing is i dont really care. i dont feel different because im up 6k. but maybe thats good because im used to ~10k months? yes, i hope thats it. dont get me wrong i dont feel bad but its obviously not that big of a cash for most poker players and of course being an mtt player now its not like thats all "money." its just deserved equity.

anyways im gonna sweat the ME final 13 or w/e , go to bed, and grind some mtts and cash tomorrow. also, monday i need to invest, clean my room, and sort thru my PT data. bye

ps here are 2007 stats so far

jan 13.3k feb 2.1k mar 6.1k apr 9k may 2.5k jun 6.7k jul 6.2k. im expecting worse results for the rst of the year due to being new at cash games and playing lower stakes. but gl big mtt scores!

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