Tuesday, July 31, 2007

thoughts on rebuy mtts

so ive been playing some mtts lately. at first i didnt like rebuys just because i dont know the different adjustments. i still dont. i dont play crazy early or anything, but i do adjust to others playing crazy and thats about it. i just dont see why its +EV. if someone could explain it to me that would be great.

anyways there are a few other reasons why i like them.

less rake!! usually 1/3 less at least. thats hugely +EV right there. i dont know why they dont rake the rebuys and addons. i swear they used to.

addons are almost always +EV. ive only done the math twice on what chips are worth after the first hour. since everyone rebuys early most people dont bust in the first hour and chips have close to their starting value. so when you are offered 2000 chips for almost the price of 1500 its awesome. you are getting more than your monies worth.

bad players are deeper. in a $30r or a $10r most of the players are just as bad as in a normal tourney like that. except i think most of those low buyin mtts start out with only 75bb or something. in a rebuy then these bad players are 150bb deep at lvl1 if they rebuy and still cant get away from TPNK. yah

i think thats all i have to say. my thoughts were probably obvious to mtters but im just learning and making sure my thoughts are on the right track

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